Now uploaded, please click the link below to watch Dr. Alemi's interview with Top Doctors Interviews about the benefits of cosmetic acupuncture.
In the interview, you will learn a little bit more about acupuncture, and cosmetic acupuncture in particular. Some of the benefits of cosmetic acupuncture include increase in elasticity and firmness, decrease in fine lines and wrinkles, improved skin texture, and more vibrancy overall with the skin. Along with a noticeable result on the face, cosmetic acupuncture also works internally, helping to regulate the whole body and its' functioning. The healthier and more effectively the body is working, the better and more youthful the skin will appear.
Apologies for not showing a complete cosmetic acupuncture treatment. Due to time (and privacy), only some parts of the treatment are shown, including use of intradermal needles (great for wrinkles and pigmented areas) as well as facial gua sha and cupping. Also included in a treatment at Eastern Roots Wellness include body needles, micro dermaroller, LED facial light, and tui na/message of the neck and face.
Click here to learn more about the treatments and Dr. Alemi :
