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Preventing & Coping with COVID-19



Please take the time to read this. For it maybe the most import info you read at this point in time.

Chinese Medicine has had over 320 large epidemics over the last 2,000 years. That’s one epidemic every 5 to 6 years. It’s important to know the history because there is already a system for treatment in place. We even have a formula named “clear epidemic powder.”

This message will be a break down of the most important information you should know at this time to prevent and help you, your family, and your friends.

Please share this knowledge and put it to use because one of us reading this will need it to help ourselves or someone we love. And with that said, please remember to check-in with your primary care physician before you start any new vitamin, herb or supplement regiment. Some of you may be on prescription medications that may be altered by the usage of some of the recommended herbs and supplements.

I’m sure you all know by know it has morphed and now may include stomach and large intestine issues ie, diarrhea and nausea BEFORE fever and shortness of breath. Some experts are also saying that a loss of smell or taste is also one of the first signs, especially for those whom are younger. You also know by know that you may have COVID19 and not have any signs or symptoms hence one of the reasons to start these protocols below NOW. Incubation of the virus is 4-5 days with the possibility of up to 14 days, which is the reason for the 2 week quarantine.

Your first signs and symptoms are VERY generic so you will not be able to tell what you have immediately. It may be a cold, influenza, or COVID19. You do not want to wait to find out. 70% of us will be exposed no mater what we do so the first step is prevention!

Prevention means to keep healthy people healthy. Assuming most will be infected you want a strong immune system (no dairy, alcohol, smoking especially right now). You also want to give your immune system, assistance as much as possible. Help the body help itself.

Some of the ways to booster your immune system now? Herbs and nutrition. Apples and blueberries are shown to have properties that help with lung functioning. As for herbs, supplements and vitamins, most experts recommend increasing your intake of vitamins C, D, and zinc. I would also recommend an herbal formula such as Jade Windscreen or Lung Tonification formula (like Lung, Bronchial and Sinus Health capsules). Also, please keep hydrated.

If you get to the point of signs and symptoms of low fever, tickle in throat, aversion to cold (feel the wind and air more), chills, headache, sore muscles, no sweat or night sweats it time to be on a different formula (Ge Gan Tang). Why? This formula works by opening up blood vessels. More blood flows to affected area, more hydration, more white blood cells to upper respiratory tract to fight the virus better. It opens up severe nasal constriction and hydrates mucous membranes to trap initial viruses and hopefully you get rid of it that way. Help the body help itself. At this point in time your CT scan will still be clear.

The next phase is fever, aversion to cold, sore throat, painful muscles, weakness, and headache. At this point in time your CT scan shows both lungs with ground-glass opacity (GGO). The formula for this is Yin Qiao San & Qing Wen Bai Du San.

It goes on from there in severity and treatment protocols, but the rest isn’t important for this message at this time.

Just so you know how powerful these herbs are. These herbs stimulate the immune system, antiviral, they're able to suppress hyper inflammatory response a.k.a. cytokine storm prevention, which will kill you. Directly effective to inhibit the enzyme activity of SARS. They destroy influenza, and HIV and acyclovir resistant HSV, H1N1, and herpes along with Epstein-Barr.

These herbs bind to the spikes on the virus and prevent it from binding into the lung receptors and entering into the host cells where the virus replicates.

Prevention is better than nothing at all.

Many antibiotics and antibacterial antivirals in the west came from plant origins. The main western pharmacology text gives credit to Chinese medicine in it's opening statement.

Again, I encourage you to start your immune-boosting regiment immediately. Most important: Vit C Vit D3&k


Also look into: Vit A S-Glutathione

Beta-Glucan Copper

Jade Windscreen or other Chinese herbal immune formulas, such as those specifically for the lungs.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you any questions. I am offering virtual consults via Zoom, Skype, FaceTime or phone for those seeking to booster their immune system or those who may be sick. These consults include not only addressing your current state with the proper nutrition and herbs but other important tools, such as breathing techniques, qi gong, self-massage and acupressure. Please know that I am also preparing DoTerra essential oil gargles are will have hand-sanitizers in stock for purchase shortly. Herbal formulas, gargles and sanitizers will be available for "curbside pickup."

Again, message me if you have any questions and always check-in with a doctor . ❤️

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